Instructions for Vasectomy
If you have the before and after vasectomy care kit, you'll receive a scrotal support (jock strap) at the clinic. If not, bring one with you to wear immediately after the procedure for comfort, support, and to minimize swelling.
Wear comfortable pants or warm-ups that are easy to put on.
Bring someone who can drive you home after the procedure.
If you have the before and after vasectomy care kit, you'll receive a moisture resistant ice pack from the clinic afterward. If not, bring a frozen ice pack in a cooler. Place the ice pack between your regular underwear and the scrotal support to prevent frostbite.
Depending on your job, plan for 3 to 7 days off work post-procedure. A work note is provided free of charge with the kit; otherwise, a fee may apply.
Depending on your job, plan for 3 to 7 days off work post-procedure. A work note is provided free of charge with before and after vasectomy care kit; otherwise a fee may apply.
If you would like to learn about our vasectomy care kit, or if you have any questions, or need to change or cancel your appointment, please contact the clinic.
Avoid Aspirin and Aspirin-like products (Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Advil, Aleve, etc.) for at least 48 hours before your procedure. You may take acetaminophen (Tylenol) at any time.
Inform us about any other medications you are currently taking. Some medicines, such as blood thinners like clopidogrel (Plavix) or warfarin (Coumadin), may need to be stopped a few days before the procedure.
We understand that it’s common for patients to feel anxious before their vasectomy. To help manage this anxiety before and during your procedure, we offer Anti-Anxiety options= along with vasectomy care kit. Please speak with our front desk staff for more information.
If you have the before and after vasectomy care kit, we’ll provide you with a specialized numbing agent and instructions on how to apply it to your scrotum. It takes about an hour to take full effect, ensuring the area is maximally desensitized before the procedure begins. So, please come an hour before your actual appointment time.
On the morning of your vasectomy appointment, shave all hair from the scrotum and shower or bathe to remove loose hairs.
Refrain from eating or drinking for two hours before the procedure.
So Simple Vasectomy Clinic is committed to providing exceptional care. Unfortunately, when
one patient cancels without giving enough notice, he prevents another patient from being
seen. Please call us at (905) 902-1080 or (905) 648-1112 by 12:00 noon two working days
prior to your scheduled appointment to notify us of any changes or cancellations. To cancel
a Monday appointment, please call our office by 12:00 noon on Thursday. If prior
notification is not given, you will be charged ($150) for the missed appointment.
Go directly home and rest today (don’t drive today). Stay at home after surgery, recline, relax, and avoid getting up unnecessarily. The day after your procedure, you may return to light activities.
Wear snug-fitting briefs for protection and comfort during the first week. Leave the band-aid in place until tomorrow night, then discard it. If you notice bleeding from the incision, firmly pinch the skin between gauze for ten minutes. Otherwise, avoid touching or disturbing the incision.
You don’t need to apply antiseptic or band-aids to the incision; however, if you feel more comfortable doing so, there are dressing kits available to you in the before and after vasectomy care kit.
Wear the ice pack for 30-40 minutes immediately following vasectomy. Re-freeze the ice pack when you're at home; then apply the ice pack each hour for 15 minutes for the next 24 hours, 15 minutes on the scrotum, 45 minutes off (except when you are sleeping or overnight). Place the ice pack over your jockstrap/briefs, against the front of the scrotum.
Avoid straining for a few days. Bearing down, as in reaching, squatting, or heavy lifting, might cause bleeding inside the scrotum.
For one to two weeks, avoid bumping, bouncing, or jarring, such as in contact sports, skiing, even golf, or other vigorous activities, which might also cause bleeding and discomfort inside the scrotum.
Avoid sexual stimulation for a week. Gentle sexual activity that does not disturb your incision is allowed after a week, BUT YOU MUST USE SOME OTHER METHOD OF BIRTH CONTROL until your semen tests negative for sperm.
It is normal to notice blood or a brown color in the semen during the first few weeks.
You should expect only mild discomfort for a few days. You may take Tylenol and ibuprofen or Aleve if needed.
A painless black-and-blue color around the scrotum and the base of the penis might appear on the second or third day. It is harmless and will fade over several days.
On each side of your scrotum, the tube may develop a pea-size nodule where it was blocked by vasectomy. This scar is normal and permanent. Initially, it will be tender if you pinch it (so stop doing that!). The tenderness will resolve within a few months.
Although it is a rare complication, if you have a large purple lump like a golf ball in the scrotum in the first two days, it may be a hematoma (blood accumulation). It is important to treat this complication early, so contact the clinic if it happens. If it is after hours or Dr. Shirpak is not available, go to the nearest Emergency Room to consult with a physician.
If you have any questions or concerns about how you are healing, if you have excessive pain or swelling, or redness or pus around the incision and a fever, please contact the clinic, text using the dedicated texting number in your before and after vasectomy care kit, or go to the Emergency Room to see a doctor.
The Semen Analysis test is to be done in 3 months. You have been given instructions for submitting a semen analysis test, a personalized sterile bottle (included in before and after vasectomy care kit), and the required requisition. PUT YOUR STERILE BOTTLE AND THIS REQUISITION IN A SAFE PLACE FOR THE NEXT 3 months. DO NOT LOSE THE REQUISITION. The requisition is mandatory to submit your analysis.